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Saturday, October 25, 2014

holy discontent

I have been thinking lately about contentment. We all desire to be satisfied with life and situations that arise. On another level, I have realized that a healthy portion of holy discontentment is vital for change. Let me explain..

When we see the worlds hungry abandoned children, broken families, and nations dying without Christ- we are not made to be content with these circumstances. Uneasiness and unrest is normal because these things are unjust. You are probably thinking "well, duh." But the feeling of discontentment should spur us to DO something- whatever it takes- to make a difference instead of pretending they do not exist or that we are not capable of making an impact. When you are discontent with an enormous pile of dirt on the kitchen floor do you just walk through and leave it there? Of course not, you stop what you are doing and fix the problem. Even if you walk by it because you have your hands full, you do not leave it there for long. How much more do the souls of this world matter and how much less do we address their issues?!

Holy discontentment is why missionaries leave their families for a third world country full of strangers never to return. This is how the hungry do not die of starvation and the abandoned learn love. It starts with you and me, Jesus' hands and feet, being an active member of the body of Christ and doing something for the good of humanity and the glory of The Lord. It is not just courage, it is not only vision, it is holy discontentment that sets us on fire with enough passion to be world changers for the kingdom. So much discontent in your heart that you can not take it anymore.

We were all created differently but each in the image of God. The purposeful unique way he created us meets needs to reach different people. Use those passions and desires He placed within you and the talents he has gifted you with. I have a heart for orphaned or abandoned children, third world countries, and counseling youth girls. You might have a heart for the homeless, broken marriages, or kids struggling in school. I am a nurse. You may be an accountant. I am an artist. You might be able to repair cars. Whatever it may be, use it for the glory of the One who made you while bringing people to the knowledge of how great is our God.

When you need to clean up that pile of dirt on your kitchen floor, how do you do that? Well, we could use the broom and dust pan.. we could break out the swiffer wet-jet.. the vacuum might be better if it is a big mess.. we have many options right? My point is we have more than enough resources to use to help conquer injustice. People, get your holy brooms- sacred swiffer wetjets- and victorious vacuums (or whatever you have) out of the closet and clean up some dirt!

So.. I pray that you and I would be filled to the measure with holy discontent about a cause so much that we would seek endeavors to change lives. No feat is too big for our God and no effort is too small to count. So put the excuses aside, get out of your little bubble, and make someone better for knowing you! It is not rocket science but it is a lifestyle change. A lifestyle change that will make your time here on earth useful while growing the kingdom of heaven.

I recently heard someone say, "I want to live to make Heaven more crowded." -put that on a bumper sticker and drive with it :)

Always in LOVE,


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